Amanda Berry Before She Was Kidnapped: Druga

Amanda Berry Before She Was Kidnapped Druga

Amanda Berry is a name that became synonymous with the term “miracle” in the United States. In 2003, Amanda was abducted and held captive for ten years in a house in Cleveland, Ohio, along with two other women. The kidnapper was Ariel Castro, who was later sentenced to life in prison without parole.

But before Amanda became known as one of the survivors of one of the most horrific crimes in US history, she was just a regular girl with dreams and aspirations. In this article, we will take a look at Amanda Berry before she was kidnapped by Ariel Castro.

Early Life and Childhood

Amanda Berry Childhood

Amanda Berry was born on April 22, 1986, in Cleveland, Ohio. She was the daughter of Louwana Miller, a single mother who raised Amanda and her sister, Beth Serrano. Amanda’s childhood was not easy, as her mother struggled with addiction and was often absent from their lives.

Despite the challenges, Amanda was a smart and ambitious child. She excelled in school and dreamed of becoming a musician. Amanda was a talented singer and played several instruments, including the guitar and piano.

Teenage Years

Amanda Berry Teenage Years

As Amanda entered her teenage years, she continued to pursue her passion for music. She joined the choir at her high school and performed at various events around Cleveland. Amanda also started to develop an interest in fashion and dreamed of becoming a model.

However, Amanda’s teenage years were not without their challenges. In 2000, when Amanda was 14 years old, her mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The diagnosis was devastating for Amanda and her family, and she struggled to cope with the news.

Working at Burger King

Amanda Berry Burger King

After graduating from high school, Amanda got a job at a Burger King restaurant in Cleveland. She worked hard and was known for her friendly personality and positive attitude.

Despite the challenges she faced in her personal life, Amanda remained focused on her dreams. She continued to sing and play music, and even formed a band with some of her co-workers at Burger King.

The Night of the Abduction

Amanda Berry Abduction

On April 21, 2003, the night before her 17th birthday, Amanda finished her shift at Burger King and decided to walk home. She never made it home. Amanda was abducted by Ariel Castro, who held her captive in his house for the next ten years.

The details of Amanda’s captivity are horrifying, and she endured unimaginable abuse and torture at the hands of her captor. However, Amanda never lost hope and never gave up on her dreams of one day being reunited with her family.

The Aftermath

Amanda Berry Aftermath

In 2013, Amanda was finally rescued from Castro’s house along with two other women, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. The three women became known as the “Cleveland Kidnapping Survivors” and their story made headlines around the world.

After her rescue, Amanda was reunited with her family and began to rebuild her life. She published a memoir about her experience, “Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland,” and became an advocate for missing and exploited children.


Amanda Berry’s story is one of incredible resilience and strength. Before she was kidnapped by Ariel Castro, Amanda was a young woman with dreams and aspirations. Despite the unimaginable horrors she endured during her captivity, Amanda never lost hope and never gave up on her dreams.

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